@johnroderick live at MBMBaM
Acquiring the restroom key requires dismembering C-3PO. 😂. I put him together again afterwards.
elisp – sort remove-duplicates package list
sort and remove duplicate items for merging emacs package list when tracked in git
I began by shooting clear coat over all the silk screening I did last week. After the clear coat hardened for a day, I wet sanded everythin…
I’ve been eyeing WordCamp Seattle. What was the most interesting presentation?
RSVPs Yes to https://indieweb.org/2018/NYC
details at This weekend, I attended part of Oxford’s first ever IndieWebCamp! As a long (long, long) time proponent of IndieWeb philosophy (since long before anybody said “IndieWeb”, at least) I’ve got my personal web presence pretty-well sorted out. Still, I loved the idea of attending and pushing som…
Pelikan #PelikanHubs
My Pelikan atop #PelilanHub swag pile
Pelikan visits #PelikanHub 😎