Feature: support querying last uploaded in Micropub media endpoint Β· Issue #190 Β· indieweb/wordpress-micropub (GitHub)

Feature: support querying last uploaded in Micropub media endpoint https://indieweb.org/micropub_media_endpoint#Query_the_last_thing_uploaded

curl -X GET -H ‘Authorization: Bearer <from Quill>’ -H ‘Content-type: application/json’ https://dougbeal.com/wp-json/micropub/1.0/media?q=last
After publishing post, “Syndicate To” doesn’t work Β· Issue #106 Β· dshanske/syndication-links (GitHub)

I write a new post and publish it. I realize I did not check any of the syndication checkboxes in the widget. So I check the box to use Bridgy to send to Twitter. After updating the post, I wait a …

I don’t have caching set up. The problem was I had restructured my docker networks, and cut external communication for php-fpm .