1. Omnibear log into https://dougbeal.com with Bridgy Publish plugin activbe
2. Omnibear log out
3. disable Bridgy Publish
4. Omnibear log in
5. Successful bridgy github syndication
digital dougbeal
Tiny (2 KB) turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces
Manually syndicated to my website (with help from the Scuttlebutt API).
Issuer posts criteria
Recipient posts proof and webmentions criteria
Issuer validates and posts award and webmentions Recipient
Private/ephemeral/shared secret?/client specific? information in webmention?
geofence = GPS+Bounding
2 stage assert workflow for IndieMon
Monster Creator posts geofence (venue) [criteria] [Monster deployment post?]
Claimant posts check-in [proof] and webmentions geofence (venue)
Monstor Creator validates check-in, webmentions Claiment, includes list of Monsters [award, shared secret]
Claimant posts Monster [award, shared secret, proof] to (venue)
Monstor Creator validates Monstercheck-in, webmentions Claiment, includes list of Monsters [award, shared secret]
IndieMon webring? check-in to each site
Venue clearing house (proxy-to-silo? swarm?)
assertion brainstorming
basic HTML req, GET, PUT, POST
indiewebify.me -> some measurable action