What I want to accomplish or kick off in November

  1. #100DaysOfDraw #WeDrawWednesdays
    2019-11-06 to 2021-09-29
    Post Drawing no later than each Wednesday for the next 100 Wednesdays. Inspired by @MakeDoPod, Make Do on Relay FM
  2. November Blog-A-Day (#NovBaD #NaBloPoMo)
    Make blog post for each day of november. Inspired by NaNoWriMo and Jamie Tanna – National Blog Post Month (NaBloPoMo)

  3. Get out in front creating HWC Seattle events, publicize them better [2019-11-13, 2019-11-27]
  4. Register w/locality indieweb.seattle.wa.us
  5. Figure out where to post HWC 10-16 notes
  6. Start Project planchette [dev] – 1 page scope/goal document
  7. Start project TB phase 1 [craft]
  8. find archive of college files and restore first webpage
  9. 4 weekly reviews! (inspired by @theweeklyreview)

Teaser for tomorrow: GitHub actions!

#NovBaD #NaBloPoMo #1of30 #challenges

I AirPlay’d my display to a second computer/monitor during IWC Online 2019, and it was great. Even better during a video chat is controlling the second computer with my primary mouse and keyboard. My go to used to be Synergy, but they went paid without convincing me they were doing anything interesting. Since its GPL, its been forked, and was easy to install https://github.com/debauchee/barrier.๐Ÿ‘
GarageBand is missing shortcut for Delete and Move.

System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts
Press + button, select GarageBand.app
type Delete and Move, and assign it a key
I stole CMD-D from New Track with Duplicate Settings