I’m here!
There seemed to be a theme of inclusivity at Indieweb Summit 2018. The session How can we encourage diversity on the Indieweb? was very helpul. It was noted that for tech event attendance, it’s good to have a wingman so try to bring someone who otherwise might not attend on their own. Although har…
1 #IndieWebSummit group photo, 📷 @aaronpk’s camera on timer
2 #IndieWeb Leaders Summit the day before @MozPDX, 6 in room + 6 remote
3 Bowl of the gods #acaibowl with peanut butter on top at Kure that morning
4 Chipotle chili bowl with quinoa at Prasad the night before that
5 Berlin IWS Remote Viewing hosted @EmbassyNetwork by 📷 @anikasai
6 Participant proposed & led @IndieWebSummit sessions
7 Running @Nov_ProjectPDX with @DesignNatalie (not pictured)
8 Fresh #NP_PDX tag thanks to co-leaders Lara & Shelby
9 Black Currant Cider limited-edition #donut @BlueStarDonuts
#2018_176 #2018_177 #2018_178
More photos soon. Got photos from @IndieWebSummit to share?
Add them to by Tantek Çelik (
a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. A few from #Portland this week:
1 #IndieWebSummit group photo, 📷 @aaronpk’s camera on timer
2 #IndieWeb Leaders Summit the day before @MozPDX, 6 in room + 6 remote
3 Bowl of the gods #acaibowl with peanut butter on top at Kure that …,fit,sXKs-JezlfkVbZMzifao-6Uq0wa-go9dzyDwv5ZVUcno=/,fit,sW0XtO-cY-dOFUeomrkOrELiwWmB2wC25ZYGYn5rzVp8=/…,fit,sXKs-JezlfkVbZMzifao-6Uq0wa-go9dzyDwv5ZVUcno=/,fit,sW0XtO-cY-dOFUeomrkOrELiwWmB2wC25ZYGYn5rzVp8=/…,fit,sXKs-JezlfkVbZMzifao-6Uq0wa-go9dzyDwv5ZVUcno=/,fit,sW0XtO-cY-dOFUeomrkOrELiwWmB2wC25ZYGYn5rzVp8=/…
This is getting posted as an example of Toy Design Fail, but let’s give credit to no-bullshit engineer who came up with this brilliant bit of cost savings
— Greg Koenig (@gak_pdx) January 18, 2018
Visualize the indieweb
Seattle: Where people ride bikes naked to celebrate summer
Greg McCown of Arizona captures a once in a lifetime shot of a lightning bolt AND a rainbow! ⚡️🌈
— sobore (@sobore) May 26, 2017