A shareable macOS remote control shortcut! It is still pretty rough.

Requires 2 shortcuts. One parses the JSON at JSON Page shortcuts-simple-remote-commands to generate commands. The other provides selection menus and then runs the selected command on the selected host.


  • use a github repo to host json.
  • Display name for selection rather than command.
  • Restore option to run a shortcut for more complex commands
  • Examination of JSON Fetching Shortcut

Install both shortcuts:

  1. Fetch JSON File (can be replaced with a shortcut that returns a List of Dictionaries (see JSON).
    Fetch https://dougbeal.com/shortcuts-simple-remote-commands/ v1

  2. Select host and command, then run command on host via SSH.
    macOS Remote Automation v1


  1. Open macOS Remote Automation v1 and modify LIST to have your hostnames and the DICTIONARY to have your username.
  2. Find SHORTCUTS Run and select Fetch https://dougbeal.com/shortcuts-simple-remote-commands/ v1

See Remote control your Mac with your iPhone and SSH Key Shortcuts to set up your Mac for remote access.

#NovBaD #NaBloPoMo #challenge4of30 #challenge #automation #shortcuts #iOS #macOS #SSH