- open a livestream in VLC via command line
open -a VLC.app "http://stream.relay.fm:8000/stream"
open -a "Quicktime Player"
may also work (only if stream is currently live)
useful livestream URLs-
Relay FM
The Incomparabletheincomparable.com
- Accidental Tech Podcast
Relay FM
- mute macOS volume via command line
osascript -e 'set volume output muted true'
osascript -e 'set volume output muted false'
- start an iTunes playlist with shuffle on
osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to shuffle enabled' -e 'tell application "iTunes" to play playlist named "best"'
osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to stop'
- Future ideas
- start/stop Quicktime screen recordings on macOS via iOS shortcuts. Running into saving problems. Also complex enough that AppleScript files will be downloaded to Mac.
- clipboard via SSH. Sometimes Handoff clipboard fails me, would be nice to have a backup. Should be able to go either way
- If there is interest, I might try to package these up more as a sharable shortcut
#NovBaD #NaBloPoMo #challenge3of30 #challenge #automation #shortcuts #iOS #macOS #SSH #AppleScript #Podcasts