
"description": "Sleep display",
"command": "pmset displaysleepnow && 'Success: display put to sleep'"
"description": "Current directory",
"command": "pwd"
"description": "mute",
"command": "osascript -e 'set volume output muted true'"
"description": "unmute",
"command": "osascript -e 'set volume output muted false'"
"description": "decrease volume",
"command": "osascript -e 'set volume output volume ((output volume of (get volume settings)) - 10)'"
"description": "increase volume",
"command": "osascript -e 'set volume output volume ((output volume of (get volume settings)) + 10)'"

"description": "Relay FM Live",
"command": "open -a VLC '' && open -a Airfoil"
"description": "ATP Live",
"command": "open -a VLC '' && open -a Airfoil"
"description": "stop VLC",
"command": "killall VLC"

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