test 205: fails to create an ALT text · Issue #65 · snarfed/wordpress-micropub (GitHub)

https://micropub.rocks/server-tests/205?endpoint=107 205: Create an h-entry post with a photo with alt text (JSON) I see the photo of a sunset but the associated alt text is "" <div id…

I ran into the same problem, the image ends up with a blank alt-tag



micropub_auth_response'a:7:{s:10:"token_type";s:6:"Bearer";s:5:"scope";s:29:"create update delete undelete";s:2:"me";s:20:"https://dougbeal.com";s:9:"issued_by";s:48:"https://dougbeal.com/wp-json/indieauth/1.0/token";s:9:"client_id";s:23:"https://micropub.rocks/";s:9:"issued_at";i:1530145256;s:4:"user";i:2;}'
mf2_content'a:1:{i:0;s:112:"Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL with alt text. This post should include a photo of a sunset.";}'
mf2_photo'a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:5:"value";s:39:"https://micropub.rocks/media/sunset.jpg";s:3:"alt";s:17:"Photo of a sunset";}}'

webserver-wordpress_1 | 2018/07/18 00:10:30 [notice] 5#5: *13454 "^/.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*" does not match "/", client:, server: dougbeal.com, request: "POST /?micropub=endpoint HTTP/1.1", host: "dougbeal.com"
[18-Jul-2018 00:10:30 UTC] Micropub Data: {"micropub":"endpoint"} {"type":["h-entry"],"properties":{"content":["Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL with alt text. This post should include a photo of a sunset."],"photo":[{"value":"https:\/\/micropub.rocks\/media\/sunset.jpg","alt":"Photo of a sunset"}]}}
[18-Jul-2018 00:10:30 UTC] wp_insert_post with args: {"post_content":"Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL with alt text. This post should include a photo of a sunset.","meta_input":{"micropub_auth_response":{"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"create update delete undelete","me":"https:\/\/dougbeal.com","issued_by":"https:\/\/dougbeal.com\/wp-json\/indieauth\/1.0\/token","client_id":"https:\/\/micropub.rocks\/","issued_at":1530145256,"user":2},"mf2_type":["h-entry"],"mf2_content":["Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL with alt text. This post should include a photo of a sunset."],"mf2_photo":[{"value":"https:\/\/micropub.rocks\/media\/sunset.jpg","alt":"Photo of a sunset"}]},"post_author":2,"post_status":"publish"}
webserver-wordpress_1 | 2018/07/18 00:10:30 [notice] 5#5: *13454 "^/.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*" does not match "/index.php", client:, server: dougbeal.com, request: "POST /?micropub=endpoint HTTP/1.1", host: "dougbeal.com"
webserver-wordpress_1 | 2018/07/18 00:10:30 [notice] 5#5: *13371 "^/.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*" does not match "/feed/", client:, server: dougbeal.com, request: "GET /feed/ HTTP/1.1", host: "dougbeal.com"
webserver-wordpress_1 | 2018/07/18 00:10:30 [notice] 5#5: *13371 "^/.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*" does not match "/index.php", client:, server: dougbeal.com, request: "GET /feed/ HTTP/1.1", host: "dougbeal.com"
webserver-wordpress_1 | 2018/07/18 00:10:30 [notice] 5#5: *13457 "^/.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*" does not match "/wp-cron.php", client:, server: dougbeal.com, request: "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1531872630.9701049327850341796875 HTTP/1.1", host: "dougbeal.com", referrer: "https://dougbeal.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1531872630.9701049327850341796875"
wordpress_1 | - 18/Jul/2018:00:10:30 +0000 "POST /wp-cron.php" 200
webserver-wordpress_1 | - - [18/Jul/2018:00:10:31 +0000] "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1531872630.9701049327850341796875 HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "https://dougbeal.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1531872630.9701049327850341796875" "WordPress/4.9.7; https://dougbeal.com" "-"
wordpress_1 | - 18/Jul/2018:00:10:30 +0000 "GET /index.php" 200

Bug: Posting from Omnibear with IndieAuth fails. · Issue #133 · snarfed/wordpress-micropub (GitHub)

Using master of WP Indieauth &amp; micropub plugins, attempting to post from Omnibear results in 2 errors PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /plugins/micropub/mi…

I’m running latest plugin releases. Attempted reacji w/Omnibear in firefox

webserver-wordpress_1 | 2018/07/17 06:06:48 [notice] 5#5: *6382 "^/.well-known/(host-meta|webfinger).*" does not match "/index.php", client:, server: dougbeal.com, request: "POST /?micropub=endpoint HTTP/1.1", host: "dougbeal.com"
[17-Jul-2018 06:06:48 UTC] Micropub Data: {"micropub":"endpoint"} {"type":["h-entry"],"properties":{"content":["\ud83d\udc94"],"in-reply-to":["https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/BlUNv51FerF\/"]}}
[17-Jul-2018 06:06:49 UTC] PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/micropub/micropub.php on line 265
[17-Jul-2018 06:06:49 UTC] PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/micropub/micropub.php on line 268
wordpress_1 | - 17/Jul/2018:06:06:48 +0000 "POST /index.php" 403
webserver-wordpress_1 | - - [17/Jul/2018:06:06:49 +0000] "POST /?micropub=endpoint HTTP/1.1" 403 98 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0" "-"

a post by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (Aaron Parecki)

This is my “life stack” – the tools, apps, services and other things I use to manage my work and life. Last updated January 2018. Computing Mac Productivity Programming Tools iOS Productivity Tech Accessories Personal Finance Quantified Self Home Theater Household Appliances Home Automation Musical …

"tools, apps, services"