I won’t be able to make, but will be playing along from home. https://hwc.dougbeal.com/event/2019-12-11-hwc/ @SteveStreza @TimSwast @altsalt @funwhilelost @rrrrrrrix @codynhat @phedhex @dangerdave
a reply to content typically on another site
Did you make the Cabins? They look nice and cozy.
I think this is fixed now that all the rel-me’s are displayed? It does look like I was going to put in a suggestion and never completed it.
@stevestreza The webmention is only picked up if sent to the event page https://hwc.dougbeal.com/event/2019-11-27-hwc/
I will create events for 11/27 and 12/13. I won’t be able to make 11/27, but I will be able to 12/13.
Premium cruise ship travel? Nothing competing on most overland routes.
Did you get/need OCR working for OpenKM? It sounded like Paperless or Mayan EDMS had OCR working out of the box in the Docker image. I’m tired of limping along with ancient PDFPen and Hazelπ
Another comment. Testing https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/pull/229
Wow, that really captures the feel of the game.
Not sure, are there any panels at @SeaGL you have your eye on as of particular interest to #indieweb? I will bring it up at HWC.
I’m just launching a new site for Homebrew Website Club – Seattle. https://hwc.dougbeal.com. Its static (hugo) and will have an iCalendar feed (as well as microformats2 and json and webmentions). I’m planing on making some Github Actions so it could be hosted out of Github Pages with Github as the post/event interface.
all untarget webmentions go here
Platinum Carbon Black is so shiny that its hard to photograph.
Doug https://dougbeal.com
- getting Microsub working
Steve https://stevestreza.com
- Gastby, homebrew react site generator
- Adding custom post type (rsvp, checkins, etc)
Albert hwang Albert-hwang.com
squarespace https://www.albert-hwang.com
in progresss Albert.github.io
- On squarespace
- GitHub-io page, html/css/js
Mime https://nite-lite.net/mime/about
- Separating blog posts from other post types
- Received web mention invite
- micropub/webmention in Django
- mostly working, but not deployed
- back filling social medial posts in Micropub app
- curl’d rsvp for summit
Quite writing hour. I’m going to start all over with my RSS feeds and move from NewsBlur to Aperture.
new Microsub settings:
<link rel="microsub" href="https://aperture.p3k.io/microsub/25">
HWC Seattle is tomorrow and I’m trying invites/reminders. mastodon, twitter, IndieWeb wiki, event
HWC Seattle is tomorrow and I’m trying invites/reminders. mastodon, twitter, IndieWeb wiki, event
Andrew Jacobs
HWC Seattle is tomorrow and I’m trying invites/reminders. mastodon, twitter, IndieWeb wiki, event
HWC Seattle is tomorrow and I’m trying invites/reminders. mastodon, twitter, IndieWeb wiki, event
Wm Salt Hale HWC Seattle is tomorrow and I’m trying invites/reminders. mastodon, twitter, IndieWeb wiki, event
Hi Steve, HWC Seattle is tomorrow and I’m trying invites/reminders. mastodon, twitter, IndieWeb wiki, event