“Oohoohoo, you know She-Ra, sometimes I think you’re almost as wise as I.” #inktober #4 #inktober2018 #raqueltraveinktober
a post with an embedded image/photo as its primary focus
@johnroderick live at MBMBaM
Getting in some sketching. #nockshots #xoxofest
Pre-XOXO rooftop BBQ

Murder of Crows scrivened by Nikola Pang
Crow at the Airport, charging batteries?
Crimes against emoji. http://phlntn.com/stuff/emojibuilder/ squinting_nerdy_thinking_swearing_cat_face_with_star_eye_and_monocle_and_halo
This post should have two photos
Nice sunset tonight
Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL with alt text. This post should include a photo of a sunset.
Micropub test of creating a photo referenced by URL
Kitten in Pail, fascinated by iPhone 😻
03:43 <[kevinmarks]> [aaronpk] having good mf2 feeds on the
mastodon pages was exactly the goal, yay. If
you want it at a site level, unmung makes
mastodon pages was exactly the goal, yay. If
you want it at a site level, unmung makes
Seattleish Pen Posse invades @PaperQuirks
door prizes, Sailor Highlighter for luck, thanks @anexstacy