Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with likeminded interests. Bring your friends who want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project…
Everyone of every level is welcome to participate! Don’t have a domain yet? Come along and someone can help you get started and provide resources for creating the site you’ve always wanted.
Homebrew Website Club Meetup – Seattle Area
Time: to
Location: Wayward Coffehouse,6417 Roosevelt Way NE, #104, Seattle, WA
- 5:00 – 6:30 pm (Pacific): (Optional) Quiet(ish) Writing
Use this time to work on your project, ask for help, chat, or do some writing before the meeting. - 6:30 – 7:30 pm (Pacific): Meetup
Douglas Beal is not attending.
👩🏼💻 🤖 Alex Kearney @ #GHC19 liked this on
Douglas Beal reposted this on
Mime, HWC Seattle is tomorrow. I won’t make it, but Ryan. Will be there.
IndieWeb wiki
@stevestreza I won’t be there, but Ryan will.
Ryan Rix is attending.
Ghost of Halloween Display Names Past mentioned this on
Dave Peck liked this on
Mime Čuvalo is not attending.
Maybe fluffy will be attending.
Maybe fluffy will be attending.
Ryan Rix mentioned this on
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Andy Jacobs reposted this on
Andy Jacobs liked this on
Tim Swast mentioned this on