Prevent wp_debug from polluting ajax within plugin (WordPress Development Stack Exchange)

I've ran into an issue here where wp_debug notices foul up my ajax response. The codex suggests using ob_clean just before returning or echoing: To parse AJAX, WordPress must be reloaded throug…

If you have php notices turned on, bad things happen.
Reply to Ryan Boren et al on the WordPress Link Manager, Calypso, and Indie Blogging by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

Replied to a tweet by Ryan Boren Ryan Boren (Twitter)
@photomatt I recall the jokes made about crusty blogrolls when we deprecated the links manager. Now, folks are exhuming it for use as their canonical OPML source to feed OPML subscriptions.— Ryan Boren (@rboren) July 17,…
