If a syndication method goes away, there is no way to turn it off.

cleverdevil/together (GitHub)

The together project: an IndieWeb experience

If a syndication method goes away, there is no way to turn it off. Facebook was removed from bridgy-publish, and apparently I had every syndication method turned on. The result is Facebook is permanently turned on, because the checkbox is not shown.

Thanks, Facebook.

[14-Jul-2018 04:04:34 UTC] Micropub Data: {"micropub":"endpoint"} {"type":["h-entry"],"properties":{"in-reply-to":["https:\/\/clickypost.com\/blog\/2018\/7\/12\/new-reaktor-series-by-karas-pen-co-galaxie-and-starliner-models"],"mp-syndicate-to":["bridgy-publish_facebook"],"content":["Incredible photography, nice pens."]}}
wordpress_1            | -  14/Jul/2018:04:04:34 +0000 "POST /index.php" 400
webserver-wordpress_1  | - - [14/Jul/2018:04:04:35 +0000] "POST /?micropub=endpoint HTTP/1.1" 400 117 "-" "node-fetch/1.0 (+https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch)" "-"

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